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Image by Sandra Grünewald

Disease Management 

What is Disease Management? 

From time to time lawns may suffer from diseases, which can cause detriment to the quality of the lawn. Most diseases are easily treatable and it is often changes in environmental factors that cause the diseases to develop. Lawn disease can be a sign of imbalance or stress so the healthier the lawn, the less likely it is to suffer from disease in the first place. 


How do I know if I have lawn disease? 

The initial signs of any fungal disease are patches of grass that are turning brown, white or yellow and may be growing in diameter. Spores can spread around the garden if they are attached to boots or machinery - so be careful not to tread over the patches if you have them and keep your equipment clean.  Our Hampshire Lawncare expert will be able to help identify the particular disease your lawn is suffering with and advise on the best course of treatment. Taking photos of the area can also help us with the identification process. 


How can I treat my lawn disease? 

The first thing we will do, if your lawn is suffering from disease, is identify and resolve the underlying problem with the environment. Our aim is to treat the cause, rather than the symptoms. It could be that the lawn is retaining too much moisture and becoming overly damp, which encourages moss to develop and bacteria to thrive. Or there could be a problem with the nutrient balance in the soil, meaning the roots are unable to grow efficiently and start to weaken over time. 


With the right feed and nourishment, the disease may be eradicated by simply strengthening the turf around it. Grass is very resilient if treated well, and can ward off most weeds and diseases with its strength and dominance in the soil. If the disease is particularly severe or persistent, there may be a need for the use of professional fungicide, which Hampshire Lawncraft is licensed to apply. 

How can I prevent lawn disease?

The best way to prevent lawn disease is to keep a well maintained, regularly nourished, healthy lawn. Our annual treatment plans give you the peace of mind that the lawn will be kept healthy all year round, and minimise the onset of disease


Our Hampshire lawn care expert would love to give your lawn a free appraisal!

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