Why do I need fertiliser for my lawn ?
Keeping the grass well-nourished is a key component of creating a beautiful lawn. The use of fertiliser supplements any natural nutrients that are present within the soil and ensures that the grass has all it needs to exploit its maximum growth potential whilst also creating a robust, healthy and attractive plant. Fertiliser can also assist your lawn’s recovery from external stressors such as excessive wear, disease or hard scarification and can help bring on a newly seeded or refurbished lawn.
What is fertiliser?
The key macronutrients comprising most lawn fertilisers are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium or as they are also known, Nitrates, Phosphates and Potash.
Nitrogen is a primary component of chlorophyll, the chemical responsible for photosynthesis and the agent that gives plants their green colour. It helps stimulate leaf and shoot development.
Phosphorus also plays a vital role in photosynthesis, helps the development of roots and new shoots, assists with energy transfer within the plant and is a key nutrient for helping the plant during periods of stress.
Potassium is another important nutrient involved with photosynthesis, it also helps with protein production and transfer and allows the plant to build thicker cell walls thus making it more resilient and resistant to disease.
Professional grade fertilisers contain other elements known as micronutrients which also play an important part in plant health. Examples include Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. As with the macronutrients these need to be applied in their correct proportions and at the correct time of year.
When and how should I fertilise?
Fertilisation is a component of each of our Core Essential/ Core Plus Lawn Treatments and will be applied at every visit for this treatment type. Fertilising can also take place in an ad-hoc fashion if needed or as a one off standalone treatment. Your lawn care technician will apply a fertiliser to your lawn with composition and dose rate that are appropriate to the type of grass, its condition, the soil, the time of year and the prevailing weather and soil conditions. Application methods include granular feed, useful during mild weather and able to provide a slow release of nutrients over several months or liquid feed, which can be applied in times of warm weather or stress and which enters through the leaf providing rapid nutrient delivery without scorch risk.
Moss / thatch-inhibiting fertiliser
This is a special fertiliser formulated for the removal of moss and thatch from your lawn. It contains high levels of Potassium which are detrimental to moss and composting bacteria which will accelerate the breakdown of organic matter such as the dead moss and any thatch within the soil. It is a slow burner working over several months to rebalance the lawn by literally recycling the moss and thatch to feed the grass. Owing to the nature of the bacteria within this fertiliser it can only be applied during the warmer months. Your Hampshire Lawncraft lawn expert will advise which type of fertiliser is appropriate for your lawn.