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Image by Glen Carrie

Top Dressing 

What is Top Dressing? 

Top dressing is a fine soil mix applied directly to the lawn’s surface either through use of a mechanical spreader or by hand. It can help with levelling, drainage and soil permeability and stimulates new shoot development whilst also suppressing moss. At Hampshire Lawncraft we primarily use two types of top dressing depending on the lawn’s requirements.

70/30 Top Dressing

This mix consists of 70% sand and 30% medium loam. It is kiln dried for easy spreading, graded down to 3mm or less and uses special sand with rounded edges to avoid locking. It is particularly useful for applying to an established lawn, as it filters down through the grass without lying on the surface. This type of top dressing is also very helpful with clay, as it can help balance the soil and improve drainage.

Loam Top Dressing

Loam top dressing is a balanced, weed-free medium loam which is useful both as a soil improver and also when applying seed. The loam topsoil protects the seed from birds whilst also keeping it moist and sheltered whilst the grass takes root. 


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