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Image by Lynda Hinton

Lawn Renovation & Refurbishment

Does your lawn need a complete overhaul? 

You may think your lawn is beyond repair, but before deciding to re-turf completely, a lawn renovation can often give better results - and create a longer lasting, lush lawn, as well as proving far more cost effective. It is quite common for most lawns to need a complete overhaul at some point in their life, and whilst it can seem a drastic action at the time, it almost always brings better results in the long term.

Watch a step by step lawn renovation

Transforming a neglected lawn to lush green grass in just four months.

Why is a lawn renovation needed?

If the lawn is struggling to grow in areas, the first step is to understand the underlying problem, and take measures to combat this during the refurbishment, in order to prevent them from developing again. Compacted soil, drought, moss, thatch build up, fungal disease, excessive weeds, poor fertility and insect infestation are all common problems that may contribute to poor turf.  


Most of these issues can be eradicated by a lawn renovation process and an ongoing lawn maintenance plan. 


What is the process for renovating my lawn?


  1. The first step is to identify and address any acute issues such as pest infestation. Your lawn care expert will help identify any issues and offer a solution for their resolution.

  2. Depending on time of year the next step would typically be to eradicate as many weeds as possible before commencing the work. This can also be a good time to get some nutrition into the soil to bring on the existing grass. In some cases if weed infestation is severe or if the lawn has a high proportion of weed grasses then a total weed kill of the lawn may be the best option.

  3. If the lawn has significant moss content then a high strength moss-control will help kill this, prevent further sporing and dry the moss out for easier removal during the refurbishment.

  4. After the preparation work outlined above the refurbishment will begin with a hollow-tine aeration which will help oxygenate the soil and reduce compaction thereby facilitating the germination of new seed and the development of a healthy root system. 

  5. Following this a heavy scarification will help to remove excess thatch and moss from the lawn, whilst also culling weak or self-sown weed grasses and opening up the soil in preparation for an overseed. 

  6. The lawn will then be overseeded using a carefully selected high-quality seed mix appropriate to the lawn’s aspect and prevailing conditions. This will be supplemented with a soil top dressing which provides the new seed with good soil contact and protection from the elements.

  7. A final application of slow-release pre-seeding fertiliser and seaweed will ensure that the newly repaired lawn has all of the nutrition it needs to grow and recover strongly.

  8. The lawn will then need to be protected from birds and watered daily whilst the seed establishes itself - with limited footfall on the seeded area for as long as possible. 

  9. After the grass has grown to a height of 7-8cm, it is ready for its first cut - use a high mowing height and never remove more than a third of the growth. Continue to mow conservatively for several months until the refurbished lawn has established itself. If refurbishing in autumn it may be appropriate to leave mowing altogether until the spring.


When is the best time to renovate my lawn? 

The best time to start the renovation process is immediately, since the preparatory work of weed-killing and fertilisation will benefit from having time to act. The refurbishment work however will generally take place in late-summer/ early autumn. Seed needs warmth and moisture to germinate, so a rainy autumn is perfect for this!


Once the refurbishment process has been completed, the seed will need several weeks to germinate and then grow. Getting good grass coverage before winter is the aim as the lawn will then thicken and fill over the colder months before really coming to life in the spring. 

It is also possible to refurbish in springtime and in certain specific circumstances may be preferable. In this case though, there is the risk of warm weather affecting the newly established lawn so watering regularly will be particularly critical.


How long does the lawn renovation period take?

Typically a lawn renovated in the autumn will be well established by mid-spring the following year, ready to be enjoyed throughout the summer. An ongoing care program from Hampshire Lawncraft will ensure that it stays strong and healthy with no return to its former poor condition.


Will it feel like a new lawn? 

Yes, a programme of lawn renovation will aim to deliver the feeling of a brand new lawn at considerably lower cost and with greater long-term benefit than re-turfing alone.


How do I maintain my lawn once it has been renovated? 

The key to a long-lasting, lush lawn is a regular maintenance plan, which includes application of slow-release fertiliser and weed control treatments, regular mowing, watering if necessary and keeping on top of any disease or pest infestations as soon as they appear. 


Our Hampshire Lawncraft expert will be happy to advise on the best way to care for your lawn. 


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