Growth Regulation
Can I really regulate how quickly my lawn grows?
Yes you can! Growth regulators have been around for a while in the professional field, on sports pitches and golf courses for example, but now through Hampshire Lawncraft you can have access to them for your lawn too.
The aim of a growth regulator is to slow grass growth down and encourage it to grow and thicken sideways, rather than lengthways, increase root thickness and improve drought tolerance. The main benefit of this is that you can enjoy a lush lawn during the summer months, without having to mow it so frequently.
What is a lawn growth regulator?
The lawn growth regulator treatment is an advanced liquid treatment which redirects plant growth from above the ground to below the ground. It works by suppressing the vertical growth hormone so that lateral root growth is stimulated and chlorophyll production is aided to ensure the process of photosynthesis is not impacted. Ultimately it helps to create a thicker, greener, more weed-resistant turf with less lawn clippings and time needed to cut the grass!
When should I apply lawn growth regulator
You really want to target the active growing season, so we would recommend applying between April and September. The growth regulator makes a useful addition to either one or both of your Mid-Season treatments. Mowing frequency can be reduced by up to 33%, especially if done as part of an ongoing lawn maintenance plan.